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Προστασία Προσωπικών Δεδομένων

This privacy policy (personal data protection) provides information about the collection, storage, processing and use of your personal data.


The online shop recognizes the importance of the privacy issue. All information relating to users’ personal information is kept confidential within the meaning of Greek law and personal data protection law. We have taken all the necessary steps, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure maximum safety.



19 Baknana Street,

Neos Kosmos, P.C. 11745

T: 216 9390563


Collection / Use of your personal data / Security

SAPON does not collect your personal data. Personal data is information that identifies you and is provided by you for specific purposes, such as Subscribe and stored by us, only for as long as required and in accordance with applicable laws. Information that is secured and strictly necessary for the purpose, such as Buy. SAPON does not transfer your personal data to third parties.

What data do we collect?

When you submit your information to contact the company or to access certain services, we collect and retain it only for the purposes set forth above. We collect the information you submit such as: name, surname, country, address, email, phone number, mobile phone etc., When you visit our site, we also collect information in an automated manner via cookies. For more information, see our Cookies Policy.

Personal Data Rights

Our company safeguards your rights to the processing of your personal data and facilitates you to exercise your rights:Requesting access to your personal data for which purposes and for what period of time.Requesting the deletion of your personal data.Requesting correction of your personal data.Requesting restriction on the processing of your personal data for specific purposes only.

Information at the Data Protection Authority (DPA) www.dpa.grKifisias 1-3, Postal Code 115 23, Athens, + 30-210 6475600,




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Statistics cookies allow us to evaluate various aspects of this site in order to improve it and offer you the best possible experience.

The tools used for statistical analysis include Google Analytics, Hotjar, Kelkoo sales tracking, Facebook Pixel, Pinterest Tag.


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